Monday, September 9, 2013

From now on...

I'm getting a lot of good feedback on this blog and the project.  Taking as much of it into account as possible, in the future I'll be trying to:

  • Be more concise. 
  • Make the posts more easily scannable for casual readers, when possible. 
  • Start paragraphs with a topic sentence, instead of expecting readers to read word for word.
  • Keep paragraphs about one topic without parenthetical statements or digressions.
  • Avoid language that might come across as hyperbole. 
  •  Use better web formatting, like bullet lists. 

As for getting the ideas in the game across I'll be doing all of the above, while trying to: 

  • Find a better way to get the concepts across without expecting readers to make intuitive leaps. 
  • Create a new way of expressing Effects that uses something as close to natural language as possible, without being overly long or sacrificing the details of the information contained.
  • Give good examples, but keep them separate from the rules data.

In some areas, like rules discussions, it will be hard to get the ideas across without putting some burden on the reader. I'll do my best. 

Thanks for bearing with me, I'm new at blogging in a serious way. I've had a blog before, but no one read it. :D 

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