Monday, September 30, 2013

Tribute Dice Mechanics

Here's a quick update on the dice mechanics as they stand today. Thanks to zedturtle on for helping me keep it 0 centered. In an upcoming post I'll go into the probabilities involved.

I'm still working on Tribute Alpha (The simpler version of the game), but it's coming along. This was a result of that work.

Dice and Reality Level

In every campaign, there will be a choice of which dice to use, depending on the reality level desired. Reality Level is mainly about how well weaker challengers can potentially do against stronger ones. The firmness or looseness of the probability curves. Additionally, special events such as "knockback" can be keyed to different die sizes.

d4s- Mundane Reality Level. The range of results is small, and skill is more important than randomness.

d6s- Heroic Reality Level. Most people will play at this level, I imagine. The range is a little bigger, and weaker opponents have a slightly better chance of standing against stronger one, but skill is still very important.

d8s- Pulpy Reality Level. More swingy than Heroic or Mundane, with a higher possible range of results. You can fly higher or sink lower here. Action is about swift reversals. Legendary adventure.

d10s- Cinematic Reality Level. Things you might see in an action movie happen regularly. People can be thrown through plate glass windows almost unscathed, can ride explosions to safety, etc.

- Over-the-top Reality Level. Skill is least important here, and action contains a lot of randomness. Good for cartoons or certain comic books. Actions are regularly taken that would be considered impossible at other Reality Levels.

Attribute Ranks

Attributes are measured on an infinite logarithmic scale, with 0 being considered average for a human. The effective range possible in a campaign will vary.

Effect Ranks

Effect Ranks are independent of Attribute ranks, and range from 1-5. 1 being a minimal effect such as dealing light damage, and 5 being a total Effect such as killing a foe in one blow. When you are successful in a Test, you deliver the Effect at the rank you bought it at, unless the dice modify the rank upwards or downwards. Effects can optionally have several sub-Ranks for the various Features they contain, like damage, range, duration, etc.

Making Tests

When you make a Test with no modifiers for aptitude, situation, or handicaps,

1. Roll 1 white "FOCUS" die, and 1 black "BURDEN" die.

2. Subtract the rolled value of the black BURDEN die from the value of the white FOCUS die.

3. Add the final value of your test to your appropriate Attribute's Rank.

4. Compare the result to your opposition's Result.

5. If your result is higher you Win the test, if your Result is lower you Fail, and if your results are equal, you Match.


When you are above average at something or the situation make something easier, you receive up to 5 additional white FOCUS dice. Add these dice to the 1 that you would otherwise roll for an unmodified test . This gives a possible total of 6 white dice. Roll them and choose the die with the highest value as your FOCUS die, and then perform steps 2-5 as you would for a Test without modification.


When you are below average at something or the situation makes something harder, you receive up to 5 additional black BURDEN Dice. Add these dice to the 1 that you would otherwise roll for an unmodified test. This gives a possible total of 6 black dice. Roll them and choose the highest value as your BURDEN die, and then perform steps 2-5 as you would for a Test without Modification.

You can have up to 6 FOCUS dice and 6 BURDEN Dice at once, for a total of 12 dice to be rolled.

Profit and Waste


Profit can be gained when you Match or Win a Test. Any FOCUS dice other than the first one that meet or exceed the highest BURDEN die are considered Profit.

Profit can be added to the Rank of any Features in the Effect you're Testing. When an Effect has multiple Features, you can divide your Profit dice among those Features any way you like.

Profit can't raise an Effect or Feature of an Effect's final Rank beyond 5.

Profit can also be used to activate certain bonus Effects altogether, such as knocking a foe backwards when hitting them with a club.


Waste can apply when you Match or Win a Test. If you Fail a Test, Waste is irrelevant- nothing happens.

Any BURDEN dice other than the first one that meet or exceed the highest FOCUS die are considered Waste.

Waste is subtracted from the Rank of any Features in the Effect you're Testing. When an Effect has multiple Features, you can divide your Waste dice among those Features any way you like.

Waste can't lower an Effect or Feature of an Effect's final Rank below 0 (Non-existent).

Waste can also be used to activate negative Effects or complications in the scene such as breaking the table that you're fighting on top of, or starting a fire.

Getting Both

It is possible to receive both Profit and Waste to your action when the result of your highest FOCUS die equals the result of your highest BURDEN die. Profit can cancel Waste out on a 1 for 1 basis at your option, but you can also apply both to separate Features of Effects. An example of this might be adding profit to the damaging Feature of an Attack, but subtracting from its duration or taking a consequence.

Next: An Example of Play.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Free Will- Powers and Agency in Tribute

I know I posted yesterday that I might not be posting anything for a while, and that still stands. However, I came across a great article that relates to my thinking with Tribute.

In short the article is about Free Will, and this line in particular stood out for me:

"Free will is an advanced form of the simple process of controlling oneself, called agency."
See, I have a friend who doesn't get the concept behind the Powers in Tribute. Much like the rest of the concepts in the game, I chalk it up to a failure to communicate on my part. I'm still working on that.

Powers are all about agency, which I define broadly as "the right to determine one's own fate".  As far as I can tell, any type of in-game effect has a relationship to agency.

Before I saw the article today, I was writing and I made this list of refined definitions for the Powers. They're not in the final format I'd use for expressing them in the rules because they are mainly for me at this stage. Still, they may be of some interest. Here they are:

ATTACK- The right to reduce the agency of a Target by applying an Effect to them without giving them a choice. 

CONSTRUCT-The right to create an Effect with its own agency

IMPLEMENT-A tool that provides a type of agency to you that you otherwise wouldn't have. 

INFLUENCE-The right to persistently alter the types of agency available to Targets within Reach. 

MANEUVER-the right to give yourself more agency by allowing you to apply an Effect to yourself.

SHIELD- The right to protect your own agency by responding to Effects that seek to alter it.
TRUST- The right to give more agency to a Target by giving them the choice to benefit from an Effect. 

These definitions are what will hopefully allow me to have freeform Effects in Tribute Alpha. 

Thanks for reading. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Quick Update-Alpha and Omega.

Just a quick update to let any readers I have left know that I'm still working.

I'm currently reexamining some of my core mechanical assumptions, which if I were to post about them prematurely, might just lead to frustration to anyone reading. I'd likely have to recant anything I posted now.

I will say that I'm working on a way to build a simplified version of Tribute, possibly without Functions. This would likely work as a Basic version of the game; you'd add Functions for the Advanced version of the game. This would allow the basic version of the game to use plain English for Effect descriptions if I can pull it off.

I'm toying with calling the basic version "Tribute Alpha" and the advanced version "Tribute Omega". I know that Alpha tends to mean "Work in progress" in software circles, but I like the pairing.

I'm not sure if I can pull this off, honestly. It will require some significant changes to how the numbers work. I know I haven't really gotten into them on the blog, but I have always had a basic idea of how they would interact, and things like what kinds of ranges I'd need. All of that would have to change if I went the way I think I might be going.

For example, it's looking like Powers will have to have Ranks- or maybe not. I have a lot of thinking and discussion with game design friends to do.

There may be some dead air on the blog for a while, or it might come to me in a flash. I'll have to wait and see.  But trust me when I say that I'll be working on this set of problems constantly.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Modeling Katara from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I thought I'd do a post on modeling a character that may be familiar to many readers- Katara from Nickelodeon's Avatar : The Last Airbender.  It's a show I enjoyed watching with my son, and I imagine many readers have some fondness for it- it was very good. 

I hope that this constitutes fair use, as it's sort of a fan fiction. Of course, if I get any complaints, I'll take it right down. 

Throughout the process of designing the game, I've frequently thought of the various types of "Bending" from the two Avatar series when I thought about Element interactions. Different styles of Bending will use different Functions more or less prominently; for example, Earthbending uses a lot of BLOCKs,and BRACEs while Firebending uses a lot of VOIDs. 

I chose Katara for this example because she's the main Waterbender in the series. Waterbending is a very versatile form of Bending on the show, having features of each of the other 3 types. I didn't choose to write up Aang because of the sheer amount of work it would entail. As the Avatar,he does everything everyone else can do, better. If I get a good response, I might do other characters, but I really need to be working on the rules. 

Also, I didn't get into blood or plantbending, because I decided to write up an early version of Katara, around the time she met Toph. There may be continuity issues here or there, but I was working from memory and this site. Using the page on waterbending, I tried to model most of the techniques  I found there. The ones I didn't model were the ones that were either mechanically redundant or so minor that they didn't actually do anything useful (based on the reference page). 

Additionally, I didn't model the few minor FOCUSes, or the BONDs and DRIVEs listed inside the HOUSEs. What's listed there is good enough; a simple numerical rating covers the effects.  

The goal with Tribute is to only model what is immediately needed and interesting mechanically. 

Katara's Character Sheet

"The World"
Frame Type

Rank: 20

CHANNEL: "Physical"

CHANNEL: "Water"

FOCUS: "Dancing" [3d]

HOUSE: "Mind" [20]

POOL: "Water Source"(sweat) [-20]

Frame Type

Rank: 20

DRIVE: "Become a Better Waterbender." [+4]

FOCUS: "Midwifery" [3d]

HOUSE: "Soul" [20]

Frame Type

Rank: 20

INFLUENCE (Soul): {}
CHANNEL: ("Spiritual")

BOND: "Love of Kya (Deceased Mother)" [+5d]
BOND: "Love of Hakoda (Father)" [+5d]
BOND: "Love of Sokka (Brother)" [+5d]
BOND: "Love for the Southern Water Tribe" [+4d]
BOND: "Honor the Spirits" [+3d]
BOND: "Affection for Aang" [+3d]
BOND: "Friendship with Toph" [+2d]
BOND: "Hatred of the Fire Nation" [+4d]
BOND: "Hatred of Zuko" [+5d]

CHANNEL: "Water"

FOCUS: "Waterbending" [+5d]
FOCUS: "Waterbending Mastery" [+2d]
FOCUS: "Healing" [+3d]


Waterbending FOCUSes

These FOCUSes wouldn't need to be on the character sheet; they could be written up in the setting bible for reference.

I didn't model the CHANNEL "Water", as Naming it is enough to begin manipulating it in Tribute. The POOL "Water Source" is simply a POOL contains the CHANNEL "Water" (Its substance is the CHANNEL). Its logarithmic Rank represents the amount of Water in a bending source (Rank 0 represents a human sized portion of water).  Some techniques require a given minimum amount of water to be available. 

Even though the bending FOCUSes contain a large number of techniques- an approach which may seem overwhelming, it might help to think of them as you would "spells" in a typical fantasy setting. A wizard's spellbook would have dozens of such spells. 

Notice also that I broke waterbending in to "Waterbending" and "Waterbending Mastery". This is because the in-setting fiction reserves certain techniques for so-called Masters. I simply defined a "Waterbending Mastery" with prerequsite NEED of "Waterbending" +5d (5 dice).

I didn't plug any numbers into the Effects (Rank, for now, is represented by a "#" sign.), but hopefully there's enough information in the Expressions to get the point across. 

Note: A new aspect of the notation is to mark each Feature with a letter like so: A. ,  B. ,...etc. This shows the order in which the effects are applied if it matters in play. If two Features share the same letter, they are simultaneous. If one step is interrupted in some way, the subsequent steps fail. 

HOUSE of "Soul"
Frame Type

Rank: #d

NEED: INFLUENCE ("Waterbender").
NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [-20] .

INFLUENCE POOL ("Water Source"): {  A. EXCHANGE CHANNEL ("Water" or "Ice") for CHANNEL ("Steam") at [1:1]. A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

INFLUENCE POOL ("Water Source"): {  A. EXCHANGE CHANNEL ("Steam") for CHANNEL ("Water"or "Ice") at [1:1]. A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

"Freeze/Breath of Ice"
INFLUENCE POOL ("Water Source"): { A. EXCHANGE CHANNEL ("Water"or "Steam") for CHANNEL ("Ice") at [1:1]. A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

"Ice Claws"
SHIELD "Ice Claws": { A. BLOCK ACCESS of "Mind" [#]. }
ATTACK Target HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"): { A. VOID Target HOUSE via CHANNEL ("Ice") [#]. A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

INFLUENCE POOL ("Water Source"): { A. EXCHANGE CHANNEL ("Ice") for CHANNEL ("Water") at [1:1]. A. REACH [#].  }

"Water Manipulation/Streaming the Water"
INFLUENCE CHANNEL ("Water"): { A. HARNESS POOL ("Water Source")[#]. A. REACH [#].A. SPREAD [#]}

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [-10].

ATTACK Target with CHANNEL ("Physical"): { A. HARNESS Target via CHANNEL ("Water", "Ice")[#]. A. REACH [#]. }
"Water Knife"
ATTACK HOUSE with CHANNEL (Physical): { A. SLICE Target via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. A. REACH [#]. }

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [-6].

"Water Bullet/Ice Spear/ Ice Disk"
ATTACK Target HOUSE with CHANNEL "Physical": { A. VOID Target HOUSE via CHANNEL ("Water", "Ice")[#].  A. REACH [#]. }

"Water Whip"
ATTACK Target HOUSE with CHANNEL "Physical": { A. SLICE Target HOUSE via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. A. REACH [#].}

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [0].

"Ice/ Water Shield"
SHIELD HOUSE ("Body"): { A. BLOCK ATTACK with CHANNEL ("Physical") via CHANNEL ("Water", "Ice") [#]. A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

"Water Jet"
ATTACK Target HOUSE with CHANNEL "Physical": { A. RELAY Target backwards via CHANNEL ("Water")[#]. A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }
"Water Cloak"
SHIELD HOUSE ("Body"):  { A. BLOCK (VOID, SLICE HOUSE ("Body")) via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. B. LINK "Water Whip", "Grasp" [#]. }

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [+8].

MANEUVER HOUSE ("Body"): { A. RELAY HOUSE ("Body") via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. }

INFLUENCE "Water Source":{ A. RELAY POOL ("Water Source") [#]. A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

"Iceberg Spike"
ATTACK Target HOUSE with CHANNEL "Physical": { A.VOID Target HOUSE via CHANNEL ("Ice")[#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

"Ice Creeper"
ATTACK HOUSE ("Body"): { A. LINK "Freeze" [#]. B. BLOCK RELAY HOUSE ("Body") via "Freeze" [#]. A. SPREAD [#].  A. REACH [#]. }

"Waterbending Mastery"
HOUSE of "Soul"
Frame Type

Rank: #d

NEED: FOCUS: ("Waterbending") +5d.

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [-20] .

"Ice Dagger"
ATTACK HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"): { A.  LINK "Ice Claws" [#]. A. RELAY "Ice Claws" to Target [#]. }

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [-10] .

"Water Boxing"
ATTACK HOUSE ("Body"): { A. VOID FORCE of HOUSE ("Body") [#]. }

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [-6] .

"Water Drill"
ATTACK HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"):  { A. VOID Target via CHANNEL ("Water")[#]. A. CYCLE [#]. A. REACH [#]. }

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [0] .

"Multiple Water Whips"
ATTACK Target HOUSE with CHANNEL "Physical": { A. SLICE Target HOUSE via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#].

"Octopus Form"
SHIELD HOUSE ("Body"): { A. LINK "Water Cloak" [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

"Ice Prison"
ATTACK HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"): { A. BLOCK RELAY HOUSE via CHANNEL ("Ice")[#]. A. BLOCK ACCESS Powe via CHANNEL ("Ice")r [#]. REACH [#].}

"Razor Rings"
ATTACK HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"): {A. LINK "Ice Knife" [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [5] .

"Water Pinwheel"
ATTACK Target HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"): { A. RELAY Target around Author via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. A. REACH [#].}

"Ice Dome"
ATTACK HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"): {A. BLOCK RELAY HOUSE via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

"Ice Floor"
INFLUENCE HOUSE ("World"): { A. CHARGE RELAY HOUSE ("Body") [#]. ATTACK HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"):  { A. BLOCK RELAY HOUSE via CHANNEL ("Ice") [#].  } A. SPREAD [#]. }

"Mass Freeze"
ATTACK HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"): {A. LINK "Ice Prison" [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

"Ice Ramp"
CONSTRUCT "Ice Ramp": { A. SPREAD [#]. REACH Target Position [#]. MANEUVER "Body": {A. RELAY HOUSE ("Body") up "Ice Ramp"via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. }  }

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source") > [20] .

INFLUENCE CHANNEL ("Water"): { A. RELAY CHANNEL ("Water") around CHANNEL ("Air") [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

ATTACK Target HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"): { A. RELAY {RELAY Target around center Position and upward via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. } [#]. A. VOID Target [#]. A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#]. }

"Water Snake"
MANEUVER HOUSE ("Body"): { A. LINK "Water Spout" [#]. A. RELAY HOUSE ("Body") upward and forward via "Water Spout" [#]. }

"Ice Tunneling"
Maneuver "Body": { A. RELAY HOUSE ("Body") via CHANNEL ("Ice") [#]. }

ATTACK HOUSE with CHANNEL ("Physical"): {A. RELAY Target around Position and downward via CHANNEL ("Water") [#].  A. REACH [#]. A. SPREAD [#].}

HOUSE of "Soul"
Frame Type

Rank: #d

NEED: FOCUS: ("Waterbending") +1d.

NEED: POOL: ("Water Source").

"Aid Healing"
TRUST "Body": { A. CHARGE COUNTER via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. }
"Remove Ailments"
TRUST "Body": { A. SLICE BLOCK via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. A. SLICE VOID via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. A. LINK Target SLICE via CHANNEL ("Water") [#]. }

 Let me know what you think, or if anything seems wrong or unclear. I'm not an expert on the show, so others might have modeled things differently. Thanks for reading.